Thursday, August 16, 2012

Light as a Feather Stiff as a Board

Have you ever played Light as a Feather Stiff as a Board?

It was a silly game I used to play at sleepovers, but when the Jedi decided he wanted to do levitation all I could think of what that annoying chant from my childhood!

Well, what on earth am I talking about today?  Magnets.  We've been studying Earth Science and more specifically, natural resources.  Magnets can be both natural and man made.

For this study we were using neodymium magnets which are a combination of iron, boron and neodymium.  Because neodymium is a rare earth element it is much stronger than your average ferric refrigerator magnet.

If you've ever tried to levitate magnets, it's nearly impossible.  Luckily for us, my mother-in-law bought the Jedi a magnet levitator.

By turning the lever at the top we lowered a magnet that was competing against gravity to levitate the square neodymium magnet between two pieces of pyrolytic graphite plates.

It's very hard to see, but there is daylight between the magnet and the bottom plate.  It takes a lot of concentration and slow movement of the hand (everything a Jedi should be practicing anyway) to get the magnet to levitate.  We never could get it centered, but it was fun trying out all of the different magnets included in the kit!

If you like magnets, here's the link for the kit:

K & J Magnetics

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