Friday, July 20, 2012

Meet the Blabbers

You may call me paranoid, but since this is a record that both my son (a minor) and I will be keeping, I feel like I need to keep his identity private.  He's going to go by a code name that he chose.  

The Home School Jedi - This is my 11-year old 6th grader who is so excited to home school and use our blog as a chance to let his friends and family know what he is busy studying and learning.  I'll refer to him as the Jedi, although technically I believe I'm the Jedi and he's the Padawan...just sayin'. 

The Jedi's Mom - this is me, a forever 29-year old (yeah right!) mom of two who hopes to thrive as a first-time home school parent.  I write in hopes that what we do will inspire you to follow after God's will for your life too.  Home schooling isn't for everybody, and a short time ago I would have said it wasn't for me either.  Just be open and see where God leads you. 

The Jedi Master - The Jedi's Dad who has zero tendency to blab so odds are you won't read anything written by him.  He wisely leads our home so I'll let him off the hook this time.

Jedi's Sis - My 3rd-grader who attends public school.  What? Sacrilege, right?  Don't judge, it's what works for our family right now.  

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Thank you for reading our blog. We don't pretend to do everything right, but we hope to glorify God in all we do! God bless you!