Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Research Paper Assignment

While to most of us, well - me anyway, the thought of writing a research paper sounds like a daunting task.  When this assignment came up for the Jedi all I could think was, "I just spent the last 2 years writing research papers!"  Fortunately for me, this was his assignment, not mine. 

Out of all of his writing assignments this year, this is the first time I took a hands-off approach to see what the Jedi came up with.  Well, as hands-off as I could be anyway seeing as our family visited Mesa Verde the week before he wrote this paper and we checked books out at the library together.  Anyhow, he wrote this paper by himself and handled most of the revisions. 

We're almost at the 1/2 year mark for homeschooling and I'm already noticing a drastic improvement in his writing and his desire to produce quality work.  It's not easy, but we're getting the hang of this.  I hope you enjoy his writing sample and please feel free to ask the Jedi questions about Mesa Verde. 

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